Part of the Indo-European family. Period: Classical Period. Region: Roman Empire Words
Something regarded with disgust or hatred; a detestable act or thingaccord
Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action; harmony in sound or pitchaltar
A table or raised structure for religious offerings or worshipanoint
To smear or rub with oil, especially as a sacred rite of consecrationark
A chest, box, or vessel; especially Noah's ark or the Ark of the Covenantascend
To move upward, to rise, to climb up; to slope or lead upwardauthority
The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience; legitimate power delegated to a person or organizationbenediction
A short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, often at the end of worship serviceCalvary
The site outside ancient Jerusalem where Jesus was crucifiedcanon
A general rule, law, or principle; an accepted collection of sacred books; a member of a cathedral chaptercivilization
An organized culture encompassing many communities, often on the scale of a nation or a peoplecommandment
A divine decree or order, especially one of the Ten Commandments; an authoritative order or injunctioncommunion
Sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings; the Christian sacrament of the Eucharistconfound
To perplex, puzzle, or mix up; to defeat or thwart; to damn (as mild oath)confuse
To puzzle, perplex, baffle, or bewilder; to mix up or mistake one thing for anothercongregation
A gathering of faithful in a place of worship; an assembly or gathering of people, animals, or thingscovenant
A formal agreement or promise, especially one made with Godcreate
To bring into existence; to make or produce from nothing or from existing materialscrucifixion
Method of execution by fixing to a cross, especially as used by Romansdeliverance
The act of being rescued or set free; salvation from danger or evildespise
To regard with contempt or scorn; to look down upondisciple
A follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopherdivine
Of, from, or like God or a god; sacred, holy; excellent in the highest degreedominion
Sovereign authority, control, or rule; territory under sovereign ruleevidence
Facts or observations presented in support of an assertionexalt
To raise in rank, status, or character; to glorify or praise highlyexceed
To be larger or greater than; to go beyond; to surpassfaith
Confidence or trust in a person or thing; strong belief in religious doctrine; loyaltyfate
The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines eventsgeneration
The act of producing or bringing into being; a single step in natural descent; a group of individuals born and living about the same timegentile
A person who is not Jewish; historically also referring to non-Christians or pagansglory
Great beauty and splendor; honor and praise; divine presence or manifestationgrace
Divine favor or help; elegance of movement; favor or goodwillhallelujah
An exclamation used to express praise, joy, or thanks to GodHerod
Name of several kings who ruled over Judea and nearby regions under Roman authorityhonor
A quality of worthiness and respectability that affects both the social standing and self-evaluation of an individualhymn
A song of praise or adoration, especially in religious worshipidol
An image or representation of a deity used as an object of worship; a person or thing that is greatly admired or reveredintellect
The faculty of reasoning and understanding; the ability to perceive and comprehend meaninginterpret
To explain the meaning of; to translate orally; to understand and represent the meaning of somethingjudge
A public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justiceleviathan
A huge mythical sea monster mentioned in the Bible; any large sea creatureLevite
Member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi; temple assistant in ancient Israelmajesty
The quality of being impressive, great, dignified, or sovereign; sovereign power or authoritymanifest
Evident to the senses, especially to the sight; apparent; distinctly perceivedmarriage
The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a relationshipMary
Common female name in biblical contextmercy
Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harmminister
A person authorized to conduct religious worship or serve in governmentmiracle
An extraordinary and welcome event attributed to divine agencymultitude
A great number or amount, often of people; the masses or common people collectivelynativity
Birth, especially the birth of Jesus Christ; circumstances of ones birthneglect
To fail to care for or attend to something; to disregardoracle
A shrine where prophecies are uttered; a person through whom a deity speaks; a prophetic declarationpeace
Freedom from disturbance; state of tranquility and harmonypeople
A body of persons regarded as a collective; the members of a society or communityPilate
Roman governor of Judaea (26-36 CE) who presided over the trial of Jesuspilgrim
One who travels, especially on a journey to visit sites of religious significancepraise
Expression of approval or admiration; commendation; worshipproverb
A commonly used sentence or phrase expressing popular wisdom or traditional knowledgeredemption
The act of redeeming or being redeemed; salvation from sin; recovery by payment of a pricerejoice
To feel or show great joy or delight; to be very happy, be delighted, exultrepentance
The action of repenting; sincere regret or remorse for wrongdoingresurrection
Rising from death to life; revival or restorationrevelation
The act of revealing or disclosing divine truth; something revealed, especially by divine meanssacrifice
The offering of something to a deity as an act of propitiation or homagesalvation
The act of saving or being saved from sin and its consequencessanctify
To make holy or sacred; to consecrate; to purify from sinsaviour
One who saves, delivers, or rescues from peril; especially as a title of Jesus Christseal
Device for making impression; act of closing securelyseraph
Celestial being of the highest order of angels in Abrahamic religionssermon
A religious discourse delivered as part of a church servicesignify
To create a sign out of something; to give something meaning or importance; to show intentions; to mean or betokenspirit
The animating or vital principle; breath of life; soul; supernatural beingsuffer
To undergo or endure pain, distress, or hardshiptabernacle
A portable dwelling place for divine presence, especially the sacred tent of the Israelitestemperance
Habitual moderation in regard to natural appetites and passions; self-restraint; abstinence from alcoholic drinkstemple
A building devoted to the worship of a deity or deitiestemptation
The act of tempting or the condition of being tempted; enticement or allurementtestament
A document that the author has sworn to be true; especially a will or one of the two major divisions of the Christian Bibletrinity
The Christian doctrine of one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit