All Wordsoracle



A shrine where prophecies are uttered; a person through whom a deity speaks; a prophetic declaration.

"temple, house of prayer, oracle", in Old French (Indo-European), 842-1400 CE, France
"divine announcement, place of prophecy", in Latin (Indo-European), Classical Period, Roman Empire
"to speak, pray, plead", in Latin (Indo-European), Classical Period, Roman Empire
"to pronounce a ritual formula", in Proto-Indo-European (Proto-Indo-European)

Let him that is able, hear You inwardly discoursing out of Your oracle: I will boldly cry out, How wonderful are Your works, O Lord, in Wisdom have You made them all; and this Wisdom is the Beginning, and in that Beginning did You make heaven and earth.

Augustine, Confessions

And the ear-deafening voice o' the oracle, Kin to Jove's thunder, so surprised my sense

Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, Act 3, Scene 1

when the oracle, Thus by Apollo's great divine seal'd up, Shall the contents discover, something rare Even then will rush to knowledge

Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale, Act 3, Scene 1


oraculum /oraculum/

Latin, Rome

oracle /oracle/

Old French, France