All Wordspraise



Expression of approval or admiration; commendation; worship.

"price, value, worth", in Latin (Indo-European), Classical Period, Roman Empire
"to prize, value", in Late Latin (Indo-European), Late Antiquity, Roman Empire

And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?

Matthew 21:16, KJV

But let my soul praise You, that it may love You;

Augustine, Confessions

I follow on for the prize of my heavenly calling, where I may hear the voice of Your praise, and contemplate Your delights, neither to come, nor to pass away.

Augustine, Confessions

Let him be silent in Your praises, who considers not Your mercies, which confess unto You out of my inmost soul.

Augustine, Confessions

Out of all these things let my soul praise You, O God, Creator of all;

Augustine, Confessions

The goodness of God surpasseth imagination; what service can the tongue of praise perform?

Saadi, Bustan

"Why are you so grateful?" He answered, "God be praised that I am overtaken with misfortune and not with sin!

Saadi, Gulistan

When, through an act of God, a man has fallen, the whole world will put their feet upon his neck; when they see that fortune has taken him by the hand, they will put their hands upon their breasts, and be loud in his praise!

Saadi, Gulistan

Whosoever hath a heart filled with gratitude to God, It is not becoming that he should tie up the tongue of praise. Teach thy soul nought but gratitude to God, For it is necessary to praise the Creator

Saadi, Scroll of Wisdom

And out of question so it is sometimes, glory grows guilt of detested crimes, when, for fames sake, for praise, an outward part, we bend to that the working of the heart

Shakespeare, Love's Labour's Lost, Act 4, Scene 1

For when no friends are by, men praise themselves.

Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus, Act 5, Scene 3


preise /preise/

Old French, France

preyse /preyse/

Middle English, Britain

praise /praise/

Modern English, Britain


worshipTo show reverence and adoration for a deity; religious devotion and honor