intensive prefix(Old English)aa
great, mighty(Ancient Egyptian)ab
father(Biblical Hebrew)adamah
ground, earth, soil(Biblical Hebrew)adolere
to worship, to burn in sacrifice(Latin)ælmesse
charitable giving, alms(Old English)ag
to lead, draw, gather(Ancient Greek)agape
divine love, charity(Ancient Greek)aheb
to love(Biblical Hebrew)*al-
to grow, nourish(Proto-Indo-European)alleluia
praise ye the Lord(Latin)altus
high, deep, noble(Latin)aman
to be firm, trustworthy, faithful(Biblical Hebrew)amen
so be it, truly(Ecclesiastical Latin)amēn
truly, verily(Ancient Greek)-ance
action or state suffix from Latin -antia(Old French)and-
against, in front of(Old English)ani
poor, afflicted(Aramaic)anti
against, opposed to, opposite(Ancient Greek)apasa
name of ancient city(Hittite)apo
off, away from(Ancient Greek)aqab
heel, to follow upon the heels, to supplant(Biblical Hebrew)arca
chest, box, coffer(Latin)*ark-
to hold, contain, guard(Proto-Indo-European)asaf
to add, increase(Biblical Hebrew)askein
to exercise, to train(Ancient Greek)askētēs
monk, hermit, one who practices(Ancient Greek)askētikos
rigorous, disciplined(Ancient Greek)at
at, to, towards(Middle English)-ation
forms nouns of action(Latin)auct-
to increase, originate, promote(Latin)baptiser
to baptize(Old French)baptizō
to baptize, immerse(Ancient Greek)baptō
to dip, immerse(Ancient Greek)barak
to bless, kneel(Biblical Hebrew)be-
intensifying prefix, about, around(Old English)berith
covenant, alliance(Biblical Hebrew)beth
house, place(Aramaic)*bhā-
to shine(Proto-Indo-European)*bʰeh₂-
to speak(Proto-Indo-European)*bheidh-
to trust, confide, persuade(Proto-Indo-European)*bher-
to carry, to bear(Proto-Indo-European)bletsian
to consecrate, make holy(Old English)bolē
a throw, casting(Ancient Greek)canonicus
according to rule(Latin)cedo
to go, yield, withdraw(Latin)centum
hundred(Classical Latin)civilis
of or pertaining to citizens(Latin)cnawan
to know, recognize(Old English)com-
with, together(Latin)congregare
to herd together, collect in a flock(Latin)creare
to make, bring forth, produce(Latin)creatus
created, brought forth(Latin)crux
cross, tree used for execution(Latin)dal
to hang down, to languish(Biblical Hebrew)dam
blood(Biblical Hebrew)dammeseq
Damascus(Biblical Hebrew)*dauþuz
beloved friend(Biblical Hebrew)dē-
down, away from(Latin)deru
to be firm, solid, steadfast(Proto-Indo-European)*dhē-
to set, put, place, make(Proto-Indo-European)*dhers-
to dare, be bold(Proto-Indo-European)*dʰew-
to die, become senseless(Proto-Indo-European)dic
to say, pronounce, declare(Latin)dictio
speaking, utterance(Latin)divinus
of or belonging to a deity(Latin)-dom
state, condition, domain(Old English)domus
house, household, master of the house(Latin)dwd
beloved(Biblical Hebrew)*dyeu-
to shine, sky, heaven, god(Proto-Indo-European)el
god, deity(Biblical Hebrew)eleēmosynē
pity, mercy, charity(Ancient Greek)enterpreter
to interpret, explain(Old French)eorþe
ground, soil, earth(Old English)ephe
overseer, watcher(Ancient Greek)epi
upon, on, over(Ancient Greek)*er-
earth, ground(Proto-Indo-European)*ertho
earth, soil(Germanic)es
to be(Proto-Indo-European)espirit
spirit, soul(Old French)eu
good, well(Ancient Greek)ex
out, away from(Ancient Greek)ex-
out, forth, from(Latin)exaltare
to raise up, elevate(Latin)facere
to make, do, perform(Latin)*fallaną
to fall down(Proto-Germanic)fātum
that which is spoken, destiny(Latin)feid
faith, belief, trust(Old French)felow
companion, partner(Middle English)ferre
to bear, carry(Latin)-ficare
to make, to do(Latin)fides
faith, trust, confidence, reliance(Latin)figere
to fix, fasten, attach(Latin)for-
away, opposite, completely(Old English)fundere
to pour, melt, cast, spread(Latin)gadal
to be great, to grow(Biblical Hebrew)galal
to roll(Biblical Hebrew)galil
circle, district, region(Biblical Hebrew)gath
wine press, oil press(Biblical Hebrew)gene
to give birth, beget(Proto-Indo-European)genesis
origin, source, beginning(Ancient Greek)*ǵenh₁-
to give birth, beget(Proto-Indo-European)gens
clan, tribe, family, people(Latin)gentilis
of or belonging to the same people or nation(Latin)gibbor
mighty warrior, champion(Biblical Hebrew)give
to give, present(Old English)gloria
glory, fame, renown, praise(Latin)*ǵneh₃-
to know, recognize(Proto-Indo-European)gratia
favor, esteem, thanks(Latin)gratus
pleasing, agreeable(Latin)gulgoleth
skull(Biblical Hebrew)*gwele-
to throw, reach(Proto-Indo-European)*gwer-
to favor, welcome(Proto-Indo-European)*hailagaz
holy, bringing health(Proto-Germanic)haljō
concealed place, netherworld(Proto-Germanic)hallel
to praise, to boast(Biblical Hebrew)hammat
warm spring, hot spring(Biblical Hebrew)hanan
to be gracious, to favor(Biblical Hebrew)hazaq
to be strong, strengthen(Biblical Hebrew)hebhel
breath, vanity(Biblical Hebrew)hedra
seat, sitting(Ancient Greek)heofon
heaven, sky, firmament(Old English)heorte
heart, soul, spirit, will, desire; courage; mind, intellect(Old English)Herodes
Herod (name)(Latin)heros
hero, warrior(Ancient Greek)*hertan-
mercy, grace(Aramaic)*hibin-
heaven, sky(Proto-Germanic)hodos
way, path, road, journey(Ancient Greek)hold
to grasp, keep, observe(Old English)honos
honor, reputation, dignity(Latin)*hop-
to leap, to spring forward with expectation(Proto-Germanic)*hopōn
to hope, to expect with desire(Proto-Germanic)hosha
save, rescue(Biblical Hebrew)hymnus
song of praise(Latin)hypo-
under, below(Ancient Greek)iambus
processional song(Ancient Greek)idolum
image, phantom, idol(Latin)iesous
Jesus(Ancient Greek)inter
between, among(Latin)interpres
agent, broker, interpreter(Latin)interpretor
to explain, expound, understand(Latin)inunguere
to smear on, anoint(Latin)iobelos
jubilee(Ancient Greek)-ion
suffix forming abstract nouns of action, condition, or state(Latin)iubilaeus
of the jubilee(Late Latin)ius
law, right, justice(Latin)-ize
to make, to render(Late Latin)joir
to enjoy, take pleasure in(Old French)*kailo-
whole, uninjured, of good omen(Proto-Indo-European)kanōn
measuring rod, standard(Ancient Greek)kar
point, peak(Pre-Greek Pelasgian)ḱel
to cover, conceal, save(Proto-Indo-European)*kem-
to cover(Proto-Indo-European)kepha
rock, stone(Aramaic)*ker-
to grow, bring forth(Proto-Indo-European)*kerd-
heart, middle(Proto-Indo-European)kerub
angelic being, guardian(Biblical Hebrew)kfar
village, settlement(Biblical Hebrew)kharis
grace, favor, gratitude(Ancient Greek)kheroub
angelic being(Ancient Greek)khris
to anoint(Ancient Greek)kostos
ordinal suffix forming numbers(Ancient Greek)krinein
to judge, decide(Ancient Greek)*kwem-
to come, arrive(Proto-Indo-European)lah
night, dark(Biblical Hebrew)-leche
state, quality, action(Middle English)*leǵ-
to collect, gather(Proto-Indo-European)leubh
to care, desire, love(Proto-Indo-European)levi
joined, attached(Biblical Hebrew)leviathan
sea monster(Latin)levites
descendant of Levi(Latin)liber-
to set free, liberate(Latin)-lice
in a manner of, like(Old English)livyatan
sea monster, dragon(Biblical Hebrew)liw
to twist, to coil(Biblical Hebrew)lubo
love, affection(Proto-Germanic)lufu
love, affection, friendship(Old English)maiestas
greatness, dignity, sovereignty(Latin)mandare
to command, order(Latin)maria
Latin form of Hebrew Miryam(Latin)mariage
marriage, dowry(Old French)maritare
to wed, marry, give in marriage(Latin)mashah
to draw out(Biblical Hebrew)mashal
comparison, proverb(Biblical Hebrew)mashiach
anointed one(Biblical Hebrew)masian
to confound, confuse(Old English)megh
great, large(Proto-Indo-European)*mei-
small, less(Proto-Indo-European)-mentum
result, means(Latin)merces
wages, reward, price paid(Latin)merci
reward, gift, kindness, grace(Old French)merx
wares, merchandise(Latin)meshiha
anointed one(Aramaic)messias
anointed one(Ancient Greek)migdal
tower, elevated place(Biblical Hebrew)minor
less, smaller, inferior(Latin)mirus
wonderful, amazing(Latin)miryam
beloved, wished-for child; rebellion(Biblical Hebrew)mose
born of, son(Biblical Hebrew)multus
many, much, numerous(Latin)munis
duty, obligation, service(Latin)na
please, now(Biblical Hebrew)nabi
spokesman, speaker(Biblical Hebrew)nahum
comfort, consolation(Biblical Hebrew)nativus
born, native(Latin)natsar
to watch, guard, keep(Biblical Hebrew)-ness
state or quality of being(Old English)ness
state or quality of being(Old English)netzer
branch, shoot(Biblical Hebrew)nike
victory(Ancient Greek)nina
fish house, possibly referring to a goddess(Akkadian)nthos
place suffix(Pre-Greek Pelasgian)oche
support, stand(Ancient Greek)omen
sign, token, portent(Latin)one
one, single, united(Middle English)*or-
to pronounce a ritual formula(Proto-Indo-European)oracle
temple, house of prayer, oracle(Old French)oraculum
divine announcement, place of prophecy(Latin)orare
to speak, pray, plead(Latin)osanna
cry of praise(Medieval Latin)padah
to ransom, redeem(Biblical Hebrew)*pag-
to fasten, fix(Proto-Indo-European)pais
peace, reconciliation, silence(Old French)para-
beside, alongside(Ancient Greek)paradeisos
enclosed park, pleasure ground(Ancient Greek)parash
to separate, divide(Biblical Hebrew)paridayjah
enclosure, park(Proto-Iranian)pau
few, little(Proto-Indo-European)paulus
small, little(Classical Latin)pax
peace, treaty, agreement, tranquility(Latin)pees
freedom from strife, tranquility(Middle English)pelegrin
pilgrim, crusader(Old French)peleset
foreign invader, sea people(Biblical Hebrew)*per-
to traffic in, sell, exchange(Proto-Indo-European)peregrinus
foreigner, stranger, traveler(Latin)perisha
separated one(Aramaic)petros
rock, stone(Ancient Greek)phanai
to speak, declare(Ancient Greek)philister
non-Greek, foreigner(Ancient Greek)philos
loving, fond of(Ancient Greek)pilum
javelin, heavy throwing spear(Latin)poena
punishment, penalty(Latin)*pol-
to fall, to fail(Proto-Indo-European)Pontius
Roman family name(Latin)populus
people, nation(Latin)pr
house, palace(Ancient Egyptian)pretiare
to prize, value(Late Latin)pretium
price, value, worth(Latin)pro
before, forward(Ancient Greek)pro
forward, forth, before(Latin)psallo
to pluck, play a stringed instrument(Ancient Greek)psalmos
song sung to harp music(Ancient Greek)pueple
people, population(Old French)qanah
reed, cane(Biblical Hebrew)qayin
craftsman, smith(Biblical Hebrew)qorban
offering, oblation(Biblical Hebrew)raham
multitude, exalted(Biblical Hebrew)rav
master, great one(Biblical Hebrew)rbb
to be great or numerous(Biblical Hebrew)reach
fragrant(Biblical Hebrew)realis
real, actual, genuine(Late Latin)realitas
property, possession; real existence(Medieval Latin)resurgo
to rise again, appear again(Latin)revelacion
disclosure, revelation(Old French)revelo
to unveil, uncover, disclose(Latin)riht
straight, correct, just(Old English)sabbaton
seventh day of rest(Ancient Greek)sabbatum
day of rest(Ecclesiastical Latin)šaḥaṯ
pit, corruption, grave(Biblical Hebrew)*saiwalo-
coming from or belonging to the sea(Proto-Germanic)sake
to dispute, fight against(Old English)salv-
to save, to protect(Latin)salvare
to save, preserve(Latin)sanctus
holy, sacred, consecrated(Latin)saraph
to burn, burning one(Biblical Hebrew)sawol
spiritual and emotional essence(Old English)šāʾal
to ask, inquire, go deep(Biblical Hebrew)scandō
to climb, mount, rise(Latin)-scipe
state or condition of being(Old English)*ser-
to line up, bind(Proto-Indo-European)seraphim
burning ones, celestial beings(Latin)sermo
discourse, conversation(Latin)sermoun
religious discourse(Old French)shabbat
to cease, rest(Biblical Hebrew)shalom
peace, completeness(Biblical Hebrew)shamar
to guard, watch, preserve(Biblical Hebrew)shelomo
peaceful one(Biblical Hebrew)shemen
oil(Biblical Hebrew)shemer
name of the original owner of the hill(Biblical Hebrew)-ship
state, condition, quality(Old English)sigillum
small sign, mark, seal(Latin)signum
mark, token, sign, indication(Latin)*smei-
to smile, express wonder(Proto-Indo-European)*(s)mer-
to remember, be mindful, care(Proto-Indo-European)sont
to be true, guilty(Proto-Germanic)sophia
wisdom, knowledge(Ancient Greek)sos
suffix denoting place names(Ancient Greek)sōtēr
savior, deliverer(Ancient Greek)soule
soul, spirit, life force(Middle English)*(s)peis-
to blow(Proto-Indo-European)*speḱ-
to observe, to look at(Proto-Indo-European)spel
story, message(Old English)spiritus
breath, breathing; spirit, soul(Latin)sta
to stand(Ancient Greek)stel
to send, place(Ancient Greek)stello
to send, place(Ancient Greek)*ster-
to bear, undergo, endure(Latin)sur
rock, stone(Proto-Semitic)surgere
to rise, get up(Latin)swaru
affirmation, oath(Old English)syn
with, together(Ancient Greek)taberna
hut, booth, shed(Latin)tabernaculum
small hut, tent(Latin)-tas
suffix forming abstract nouns denoting a state or quality(Latin)tebah
ark, chest(Biblical Hebrew)temenos
sacred precinct, temple area(Ancient Greek)temperantia
moderation, sobriety, self-control(Latin)temperare
to moderate, mix in due proportion(Latin)templum
consecrated space, sacred building(Latin)tempt
to handle, test, try(Latin)Thessaly
region in northern Greece(Ancient Greek)thri
three, triple(Ancient Greek)tos
verbal adjective suffix(Ancient Greek)*trei-
faith, faithfulness, loyalty, truth(Old English)trinite
trinity, threeness(Old French)trinus
threefold, triple(Latin)tsadaq
to be right, just(Biblical Hebrew)tsor
rock, fortress(Phoenician)-tudo
suffix forming abstract nouns indicating state or condition(Latin)tziyya
dry land, desert(Biblical Hebrew)tziyyon
fortress, castle(Biblical Hebrew)unguere
to smear, anoint(Latin)videre
to see, to observe(Latin)wǣr
true, truthful(Old English)walwatta
lion-man, warrior(Lydian)wator
water, wet(Proto-Indo-European)*weid-
to see, to know(Proto-Indo-European)*wel-
to cover, enclose(Proto-Indo-European)weorold
world, age of man(Old English)weorþ
worth, worthy, honorable(Old English)*wer-
to turn, bend(Proto-Indo-European)*weyd-
to see, to know(Proto-Indo-European)wicca
wizard, sorcerer(Old English)wikke
morally bad, wicked(Middle English)wis
manner, way, state(Old English)wis-
wise, learned(Old English)wit
to know, knowledge(Old English)wundor
marvel, miracle, wonder(Old English)wundr
wonder, marvel(Proto-West Germanic)*ya-
to seek, request, desire(Proto-Indo-European)ya
he (prefix)(Biblical Hebrew)yah
shortened form of YHWH(Biblical Hebrew)yareach
moon, month(Biblical Hebrew)yeshua
salvation, to save(Biblical Hebrew)yo
YHWH, divine name(Biblical Hebrew)yobel
ram's horn, trumpet(Biblical Hebrew)zabach
to slaughter for offering(Biblical Hebrew)Zadok
personal name meaning righteous(Biblical Hebrew)zelos
zeal, jealousy, fervor(Ancient Greek)zēlos
zeal, jealousy, fervor(Ancient Greek)zelus
zeal, jealousy(Late Latin)ʾăḇaddōn
destruction, ruin, abyss(Biblical Hebrew)ἀπό
from, away from(Ancient Greek)εἶδος
form, shape, figure(Ancient Greek)ἤλυθον
to come, to go(Ancient Greek)καλύπτω
to cover, conceal(Ancient Greek)μάρτυς
witness, testimony(Ancient Greek)ὁρκίζω
to make one swear, to bind by oath(Ancient Greek)προς
towards, to(Ancient Greek)ὕμνος
song of praise(Ancient Greek)φαίνω
to show, to appear(Ancient Greek)בית
house, dwelling place, temple(Biblical Hebrew)לחם
bread, food, grain(Biblical Hebrew)