Ancient Greek
Part of the Indo-European family. Period: Classical Period. Region: Greece Words
Money or goods given to the poor as an act of charityamen
Expression of solemn ratification or agreement; "so be it"Antioch
Ancient Greek city named after Antiochus, from ἀντί (anti) "against" + ὀχή (ochē) "support"apocalypse
A revelation or disclosure; the complete final destruction of the worldapostasy
The abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political beliefapostle
A messenger or early Christian leader sent to preach the Gospelascetic
Characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from worldly pleasuresbaptize
To perform the Christian sacrament of baptism by immersing in or sprinkling with watercanon
A general rule, law, or principle; an accepted collection of sacred books; a member of a cathedral chaptercherub
Winged angelic being in Abrahamic religionsChrist
Title meaning "the anointed one", used as a title for Jesus in ChristianityEphesus
Ancient Greek city in Asia Minor, important religious and commercial centerepiphany
A sudden manifestation or realization; a divine manifestationepistle
A letter, especially a formal one or one of the letters in the New TestamentEucharist
Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supperexodus
A mass departure of people; especially the departure of the Israelites from Egyptexorcise
To drive out evil spirits through religious or spiritual practices; to free from malign influencegenesis
The origin, start, or point at which something comes into beingHerod
Name of several kings who ruled over Judea and nearby regions under Roman authorityhymn
A song of praise or adoration, especially in religious worshiphypocrite
One who feigns to be what they are not; one who pretends to be better than they really are, or to be pious, virtuous, etc., without really being soidol
An image or representation of a deity used as an object of worship; a person or thing that is greatly admired or reveredjealous
Suspecting rivalry in love; protective of one's rights or possessions; envious of another's advantagesJesus
The central figure of Christianity, often referred to as Jesus Christjubilee
A special year of emancipation and restoration; a 50th anniversary celebrationlove
An intense feeling of deep affection or fondnessmartyr
One who suffers death or persecution for their religious faith or causemessiah
An anointed one; a savior or liberator of a group of peopleparable
A short narrative illustrating a moral or spiritual lessonparadise
A place of perfect happiness; heaven; the Garden of EdenPentecost
Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit, occurring fifty days after EasterPeter
Chief apostle of Jesus Christ, originally named SimonPhilistine
Member of an ancient people who inhabited southern Canaanphilosophy
The study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and languageprophet
One who speaks by divine inspiration or as a religious intermediaryproselyte
A person who has converted from one religion or belief to another, especially to Judaismpsalm
A sacred song or hymn, especially one of the biblical songs in the Book of Psalmssabbath
A day set aside for rest and worship, traditionally the seventh day of the weeksanhedrin
Supreme council and tribunal of ancient Judaismsaviour
One who saves, delivers, or rescues from peril; especially as a title of Jesus Christsynagogue
Jewish house of worship and community centertemple
A building devoted to the worship of a deity or deitiesThessalonica
Ancient city and capital of Macedonia, named after Alexander the Great's half-sistertriumph
A conclusive success following an effort, conflict, or confrontation of obstacles; victory; conquestzeal
Fervor or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtherance