Characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from worldly pleasures.
I replied, "O brother, the service of kings offers a twofold prospect---a hope of maintenance and a fear for existence; and it accords not with the counsel of the wise, under that expectation, to incur this risk.---No tax-gatherer will enter the dervish's abode, saying, Pay me the rent of a field and orchard; either put up with trouble and chagrin, or give thy heartstrings to the crows to pluck."
Saadi, Gulistan
The dervish in his prayer is saying: "O God, have compassion on the wicked, for to the good thou hast been abundantly kind, inasmuch as thou hast made them virtuous.
Saadi, Gulistan
ἀσκητικός /askētikos/
Classical Greek, Greece
asceticus /asceticus/
Medieval Latin, Europe