to worship, to burn in sacrifice(Latin)alleluia
praise ye the Lord(Latin)altus
high, deep, noble(Latin)arca
chest, box, coffer(Latin)-ation
forms nouns of action(Latin)auct-
to increase, originate, promote(Latin)canonicus
according to rule(Latin)cedo
to go, yield, withdraw(Latin)civilis
of or pertaining to citizens(Latin)com-
with, together(Latin)congregare
to herd together, collect in a flock(Latin)creare
to make, bring forth, produce(Latin)creatus
created, brought forth(Latin)crux
cross, tree used for execution(Latin)dē-
down, away from(Latin)dic
to say, pronounce, declare(Latin)dictio
speaking, utterance(Latin)divinus
of or belonging to a deity(Latin)domus
house, household, master of the house(Latin)ex-
out, forth, from(Latin)exaltare
to raise up, elevate(Latin)facere
to make, do, perform(Latin)fātum
that which is spoken, destiny(Latin)ferre
to bear, carry(Latin)-ficare
to make, to do(Latin)fides
faith, trust, confidence, reliance(Latin)figere
to fix, fasten, attach(Latin)fundere
to pour, melt, cast, spread(Latin)gens
clan, tribe, family, people(Latin)gentilis
of or belonging to the same people or nation(Latin)gloria
glory, fame, renown, praise(Latin)gratia
favor, esteem, thanks(Latin)gratus
pleasing, agreeable(Latin)Herodes
Herod (name)(Latin)honos
honor, reputation, dignity(Latin)hymnus
song of praise(Latin)idolum
image, phantom, idol(Latin)inter
between, among(Latin)interpres
agent, broker, interpreter(Latin)interpretor
to explain, expound, understand(Latin)inunguere
to smear on, anoint(Latin)-ion
suffix forming abstract nouns of action, condition, or state(Latin)ius
law, right, justice(Latin)leviathan
sea monster(Latin)levites
descendant of Levi(Latin)liber-
to set free, liberate(Latin)maiestas
greatness, dignity, sovereignty(Latin)mandare
to command, order(Latin)maria
Latin form of Hebrew Miryam(Latin)maritare
to wed, marry, give in marriage(Latin)-mentum
result, means(Latin)merces
wages, reward, price paid(Latin)merx
wares, merchandise(Latin)minor
less, smaller, inferior(Latin)mirus
wonderful, amazing(Latin)multus
many, much, numerous(Latin)munis
duty, obligation, service(Latin)nativus
born, native(Latin)omen
sign, token, portent(Latin)oraculum
divine announcement, place of prophecy(Latin)orare
to speak, pray, plead(Latin)pax
peace, treaty, agreement, tranquility(Latin)peregrinus
foreigner, stranger, traveler(Latin)pilum
javelin, heavy throwing spear(Latin)poena
punishment, penalty(Latin)Pontius
Roman family name(Latin)populus
people, nation(Latin)pretium
price, value, worth(Latin)pro
forward, forth, before(Latin)resurgo
to rise again, appear again(Latin)revelo
to unveil, uncover, disclose(Latin)salv-
to save, to protect(Latin)salvare
to save, preserve(Latin)sanctus
holy, sacred, consecrated(Latin)scandō
to climb, mount, rise(Latin)seraphim
burning ones, celestial beings(Latin)sermo
discourse, conversation(Latin)sigillum
small sign, mark, seal(Latin)signum
mark, token, sign, indication(Latin)spiritus
breath, breathing; spirit, soul(Latin)sufferre
to bear, undergo, endure(Latin)surgere
to rise, get up(Latin)taberna
hut, booth, shed(Latin)tabernaculum
small hut, tent(Latin)-tas
suffix forming abstract nouns denoting a state or quality(Latin)temperantia
moderation, sobriety, self-control(Latin)temperare
to moderate, mix in due proportion(Latin)templum
consecrated space, sacred building(Latin)tempt
to handle, test, try(Latin)trinus
threefold, triple(Latin)-tudo
suffix forming abstract nouns indicating state or condition(Latin)unguere
to smear, anoint(Latin)videre
to see, to observe(Latin)