Biblical Hebrew
Part of the Semitic family. Period: First Temple Period. Region: Judea Words
The second son of Adam and Eve, killed by his brother CainAbraham
First patriarch of the Hebrew people, father of faith in monotheistic religionsAdam
First human created by God; humanity in general; to be redamen
Expression of solemn ratification or agreement; "so be it"ark
A chest, box, or vessel; especially Noah's ark or the Ark of the CovenantBethlehem
City in the West Bank, traditional birthplace of Jesus Christblessing
The act of invoking divine favor or consecration; a favor or gift bestowed by GodCain
The first son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother AbelCana
Village in Galilee, site of Jesus's first miracleCapernaum
Ancient fishing village on the Sea of Galilee, center of Jesus ministrycherub
Winged angelic being in Abrahamic religionscovenant
A formal agreement or promise, especially one made with GodDamascus
Capital and largest city of Syria, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the worldDavid
Second king of the United Kingdom of Israel, psalmist and prophetDelilah
Biblical figure who betrayed Samson by revealing the secret of his strengthEmmaus
Biblical village where Jesus appeared to two disciples after his resurrectionEzekiel
Major prophet of Judaism and Christianity who prophesied during the Babylonian exileGalilee
Region in northern IsraelGethsemane
Garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem where Jesus prayed before his crucifixionGolgotha
Hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, meaning "place of the skull"Goliath
Philistine warrior giant from Gath who fought against Davidhallelujah
An exclamation used to express praise, joy, or thanks to Godhosanna
A liturgical expression of praise or adorationJacob
Biblical patriarch, son of Isaac and Rebecca, father of the twelve tribes of IsraelJericho
Ancient city in the West Bank, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the worldJesus
The central figure of Christianity, often referred to as Jesus ChristJohn
Male given name of Hebrew origin meaning "Jehovah has been gracious"Joseph
Biblical patriarch, son of Jacob and Rachel, known for his coat of many colors and dream interpretationjubilee
A special year of emancipation and restoration; a 50th anniversary celebrationleviathan
A huge mythical sea monster mentioned in the Bible; any large sea creatureLevite
Member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi; temple assistant in ancient Israellove
An intense feeling of deep affection or fondnessMagdalene
Of or from Magdala; specifically referring to Mary Magdalene, a follower of JesusMary
Common female name in biblical contextmessiah
An anointed one; a savior or liberator of a group of peopleMoses
Hebrew prophet and lawgiverNazareth
Town in Galilee, hometown of Jesusparable
A short narrative illustrating a moral or spiritual lessonpeace
Freedom from disturbance; state of tranquility and harmonyPharisee
Member of an ancient Jewish sect known for strict observance of Jewish traditionsPhilistine
Member of an ancient people who inhabited southern Canaanprophet
One who speaks by divine inspiration or as a religious intermediaryrabbi
Jewish religious teacher or scholar authorized to make decisions on Jewish lawredemption
The act of redeeming or being redeemed; salvation from sin; recovery by payment of a pricesabbath
A day set aside for rest and worship, traditionally the seventh day of the weeksacrifice
The offering of something to a deity as an act of propitiation or homageSadducee
Member of a Jewish sect active in Judea during the Second Temple period (2nd century BCE - 70 CE)Samaria
Ancient city and region in the central West Bank, former capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israelseraph
Celestial being of the highest order of angels in Abrahamic religionssheol
The underworld or place of stillness and darkness which lies after death in Hebrew thoughtSolomon
Son of David and successor as kingZion
Originally a hill in Jerusalem, later a synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel