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Abel1 example
The second son of Adam and Eve, killed by his brother Cainabomination1 example
Something regarded with disgust or hatred; a detestable act or thingAbraham4 examples
First patriarch of the Hebrew people, father of faith in monotheistic religionsaccord3 examples
Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action; harmony in sound or pitchAdam4 examples
First human created by God; humanity in general; to be redalms3 examples
Money or goods given to the poor as an act of charityaltar2 examples
A table or raised structure for religious offerings or worshipamaze4 examples
To fill with wonder and astonishment; to astound, to bewilderamen3 examples
Expression of solemn ratification or agreement; "so be it"anoint1 example
To smear or rub with oil, especially as a sacred rite of consecrationanswer15 examples
A response or reply; something said or done in reaction to a statement or questionAntioch1 example
Ancient Greek city named after Antiochus, from ἀντί (anti) "against" + ὀχή (ochē) "support"apocalypse
A revelation or disclosure; the complete final destruction of the worldapostasy
The abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political beliefapostle3 examples
A messenger or early Christian leader sent to preach the Gospelark1 example
A chest, box, or vessel; especially Noah's ark or the Ark of the Covenantascend7 examples
To move upward, to rise, to climb up; to slope or lead upwardascetic2 examples
Characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from worldly pleasuresatone1 example
To make reparation, compensation, or amends for an offence or a crimeauthority3 examples
The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience; legitimate power delegated to a person or organizationBabylon1 example
Ancient city in Mesopotamia, capital of Babyloniabaptize3 examples
To perform the Christian sacrament of baptism by immersing in or sprinkling with waterbecome9 examples
To begin to be; turn into; grow to be; change intobehold18 examples
To look at or observe (someone or something), especially with appreciationbenediction1 example
A short invocation for divine help, blessing and guidance, often at the end of worship serviceBethany1 example
Ancient village near Jerusalem, home of Mary, Martha and LazarusBethesda
A pool in Jerusalem mentioned in the New Testament, known for healing propertiesBethlehem1 example
City in the West Bank, traditional birthplace of Jesus Christblessing4 examples
The act of invoking divine favor or consecration; a favor or gift bestowed by GodCain1 example
The first son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother AbelCalvary1 example
The site outside ancient Jerusalem where Jesus was crucifiedCana1 example
Village in Galilee, site of Jesus's first miraclecanon1 example
A general rule, law, or principle; an accepted collection of sacred books; a member of a cathedral chapterCapernaum2 examples
Ancient fishing village on the Sea of Galilee, center of Jesus ministrycenturion2 examples
Commander of a century (unit of around 80 soldiers) in the Roman armycherub
Winged angelic being in Abrahamic religionsChrist6 examples
Title meaning "the anointed one", used as a title for Jesus in Christianitycivilization1 example
An organized culture encompassing many communities, often on the scale of a nation or a peoplecommandment6 examples
A divine decree or order, especially one of the Ten Commandments; an authoritative order or injunctioncommunion
Sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings; the Christian sacrament of the Eucharistconfound7 examples
To perplex, puzzle, or mix up; to defeat or thwart; to damn (as mild oath)confuse3 examples
To puzzle, perplex, baffle, or bewilder; to mix up or mistake one thing for anothercongregation1 example
A gathering of faithful in a place of worship; an assembly or gathering of people, animals, or thingsCorinth1 example
Ancient Greek city-state on the Isthmus of Corinth, important commercial and cultural centercovenant2 examples
A formal agreement or promise, especially one made with Godcreate10 examples
To bring into existence; to make or produce from nothing or from existing materialscrucifixion3 examples
Method of execution by fixing to a cross, especially as used by RomansDamascus
Capital and largest city of Syria, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the worldDavid3 examples
Second king of the United Kingdom of Israel, psalmist and prophetdeath35 examples
The cessation of life and all associated processes; the end of an organism's existenceDelilah
Biblical figure who betrayed Samson by revealing the secret of his strengthdeliverance3 examples
The act of being rescued or set free; salvation from danger or evildespise4 examples
To regard with contempt or scorn; to look down upondisciple8 examples
A follower or student of a teacher, leader, or philosopherdivine5 examples
Of, from, or like God or a god; sacred, holy; excellent in the highest degreedominion4 examples
Sovereign authority, control, or rule; territory under sovereign ruleearth34 examples
The planet third from the sun; the ground; soil; the world of human habitationEmmaus
Biblical village where Jesus appeared to two disciples after his resurrectionEphesus1 example
Ancient Greek city in Asia Minor, important religious and commercial centerepiphany
A sudden manifestation or realization; a divine manifestationepistle1 example
A letter, especially a formal one or one of the letters in the New TestamentEsther1 example
Biblical queen of Persia who saved the Jewish peopleEucharist1 example
Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supperevidence3 examples
Facts or observations presented in support of an assertionexalt4 examples
To raise in rank, status, or character; to glorify or praise highlyexceed2 examples
To be larger or greater than; to go beyond; to surpassexodus
A mass departure of people; especially the departure of the Israelites from Egyptexorcise
To drive out evil spirits through religious or spiritual practices; to free from malign influenceEzekiel
Major prophet of Judaism and Christianity who prophesied during the Babylonian exilefaith9 examples
Confidence or trust in a person or thing; strong belief in religious doctrine; loyaltyfall12 examples
To move downward by force of gravity; to descend; the season autumnfate9 examples
The presumed cause, force, principle, or divine will that predetermines eventsfellowship3 examples
A company of people that share the same interest or aim; companionship; friendly associationforgive6 examples
To pardon someone; to waive any negative feeling or desire for punishmentforsake3 examples
To abandon, to give up, to leave (permanently), to renounceGalilee2 examples
Region in northern Israelgeneration5 examples
The act of producing or bringing into being; a single step in natural descent; a group of individuals born and living about the same timegenesis1 example
The origin, start, or point at which something comes into beinggentile2 examples
A person who is not Jewish; historically also referring to non-Christians or pagansGethsemane1 example
Garden at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem where Jesus prayed before his crucifixionglory14 examples
Great beauty and splendor; honor and praise; divine presence or manifestationGolgotha1 example
Hill near Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified, meaning "place of the skull"Goliath1 example
Philistine warrior giant from Gath who fought against Davidgospel5 examples
The message of Christ; any of the four books describing Christ's life and teachingsgrace16 examples
Divine favor or help; elegance of movement; favor or goodwillhallelujah1 example
An exclamation used to express praise, joy, or thanks to Godheart38 examples
A muscular organ that pumps blood through the body; the center of emotions and feelingsheaven29 examples
The sky or celestial sphere; the abode of God or gods; paradise; a state of blisshell6 examples
The underworld; place of torment in the afterlife where sinners and evil spirits dwellHerod1 example
Name of several kings who ruled over Judea and nearby regions under Roman authorityholy5 examples
Dedicated to a religious purpose; sacred; morally and spiritually excellenthonor3 examples
A quality of worthiness and respectability that affects both the social standing and self-evaluation of an individualhope7 examples
To want something to happen, with a sense of expectation that it mighthosanna1 example
A liturgical expression of praise or adorationhymn1 example
A song of praise or adoration, especially in religious worshiphypocrite5 examples
One who feigns to be what they are not; one who pretends to be better than they really are, or to be pious, virtuous, etc., without really being soidol1 example
An image or representation of a deity used as an object of worship; a person or thing that is greatly admired or reveredintellect2 examples
The faculty of reasoning and understanding; the ability to perceive and comprehend meaninginterpret1 example
To explain the meaning of; to translate orally; to understand and represent the meaning of somethingJacob1 example
Biblical patriarch, son of Isaac and Rebecca, father of the twelve tribes of Israeljealous2 examples
Suspecting rivalry in love; protective of one's rights or possessions; envious of another's advantagesJericho1 example
Ancient city in the West Bank, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the worldJesus1 example
The central figure of Christianity, often referred to as Jesus ChristJohn2 examples
Male given name of Hebrew origin meaning "Jehovah has been gracious"Joseph1 example
Biblical patriarch, son of Jacob and Rachel, known for his coat of many colors and dream interpretationjubilee1 example
A special year of emancipation and restoration; a 50th anniversary celebrationjudge11 examples
A public official authorized to decide questions brought before a court of justiceknowledge12 examples
The fact of knowing about something; general understanding or familiarity with a subject, place, situation etc.leviathan1 example
A huge mythical sea monster mentioned in the Bible; any large sea creatureLevite1 example
Member of the Hebrew tribe of Levi; temple assistant in ancient Israellove40 examples
An intense feeling of deep affection or fondnessMagdalene1 example
Of or from Magdala; specifically referring to Mary Magdalene, a follower of Jesusmajesty3 examples
The quality of being impressive, great, dignified, or sovereign; sovereign power or authoritymanifest6 examples
Evident to the senses, especially to the sight; apparent; distinctly perceivedmarriage3 examples
The legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a relationshipmartyr1 example
One who suffers death or persecution for their religious faith or causeMary2 examples
Common female name in biblical contextmercy12 examples
Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harmmessiah1 example
An anointed one; a savior or liberator of a group of peopleminister4 examples
A person authorized to conduct religious worship or serve in governmentmiracle1 example
An extraordinary and welcome event attributed to divine agencyMoses2 examples
Hebrew prophet and lawgivermultitude8 examples
A great number or amount, often of people; the masses or common people collectivelynativity2 examples
Birth, especially the birth of Jesus Christ; circumstances of ones birthNazareth1 example
Town in Galilee, hometown of Jesusneglect4 examples
To fail to care for or attend to something; to disregardNineveh1 example
Ancient Assyrian city and capital of the Neo-Assyrian Empireoracle3 examples
A shrine where prophecies are uttered; a person through whom a deity speaks; a prophetic declarationparable6 examples
A short narrative illustrating a moral or spiritual lessonparadise3 examples
A place of perfect happiness; heaven; the Garden of EdenPaul1 example
Christian apostle, missionary, and author of many New Testament epistlespeace22 examples
Freedom from disturbance; state of tranquility and harmonyPentecost1 example
Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit, occurring fifty days after Easterpeople17 examples
A body of persons regarded as a collective; the members of a society or communityPeter4 examples
Chief apostle of Jesus Christ, originally named Simonpharaoh1 example
Title of the ancient Egyptian kings, literally meaning "great house"Pharisee4 examples
Member of an ancient Jewish sect known for strict observance of Jewish traditionsPhilistine1 example
Member of an ancient people who inhabited southern Canaanphilosophy2 examples
The study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and languagePilate4 examples
Roman governor of Judaea (26-36 CE) who presided over the trial of Jesuspilgrim1 example
One who travels, especially on a journey to visit sites of religious significancepraise11 examples
Expression of approval or admiration; commendation; worshipprophet10 examples
One who speaks by divine inspiration or as a religious intermediaryproselyte1 example
A person who has converted from one religion or belief to another, especially to Judaismproverb1 example
A commonly used sentence or phrase expressing popular wisdom or traditional knowledgepsalm1 example
A sacred song or hymn, especially one of the biblical songs in the Book of Psalmsrabbi1 example
Jewish religious teacher or scholar authorized to make decisions on Jewish lawreality2 examples
The state of being actual or real; the real world or the totality of real thingsredemption3 examples
The act of redeeming or being redeemed; salvation from sin; recovery by payment of a pricerejoice10 examples
To feel or show great joy or delight; to be very happy, be delighted, exultrepentance8 examples
The action of repenting; sincere regret or remorse for wrongdoingresurrection6 examples
Rising from death to life; revival or restorationrevelation4 examples
The act of revealing or disclosing divine truth; something revealed, especially by divine meansrighteousness10 examples
The quality or state of being morally correct and justifiablesabbath2 examples
A day set aside for rest and worship, traditionally the seventh day of the weeksacrifice7 examples
The offering of something to a deity as an act of propitiation or homageSadducee1 example
Member of a Jewish sect active in Judea during the Second Temple period (2nd century BCE - 70 CE)salvation4 examples
The act of saving or being saved from sin and its consequencesSamaria1 example
Ancient city and region in the central West Bank, former capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israelsanctify1 example
To make holy or sacred; to consecrate; to purify from sinsanhedrin1 example
Supreme council and tribunal of ancient Judaismsaviour3 examples
One who saves, delivers, or rescues from peril; especially as a title of Jesus Christseal5 examples
Device for making impression; act of closing securelyseraph1 example
Celestial being of the highest order of angels in Abrahamic religionssermon1 example
A religious discourse delivered as part of a church servicesheol3 examples
The underworld or place of stillness and darkness which lies after death in Hebrew thoughtsignify9 examples
To create a sign out of something; to give something meaning or importance; to show intentions; to mean or betokensin23 examples
An act that is considered to be wrong according to religious or moral lawSinai2 examples
Mountain and peninsula where Moses received the Ten Commandments according to the BibleSolomon1 example
Son of David and successor as kingsoul27 examples
The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal; the essence of a beingspirit18 examples
The animating or vital principle; breath of life; soul; supernatural beingsuffer11 examples
To undergo or endure pain, distress, or hardshipsynagogue2 examples
Jewish house of worship and community centertabernacle2 examples
A portable dwelling place for divine presence, especially the sacred tent of the Israelitestemperance3 examples
Habitual moderation in regard to natural appetites and passions; self-restraint; abstinence from alcoholic drinkstemple5 examples
A building devoted to the worship of a deity or deitiestemptation4 examples
The act of tempting or the condition of being tempted; enticement or allurementtestament1 example
A document that the author has sworn to be true; especially a will or one of the two major divisions of the Christian BibleThessalonica1 example
Ancient city and capital of Macedonia, named after Alexander the Great's half-sistertrinity1 example
The Christian doctrine of one God existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirittriumph1 example
A conclusive success following an effort, conflict, or confrontation of obstacles; victory; conquesttruth30 examples
Conformity with fact or reality; verity; quality of being trueTyre1 example
Ancient Phoenician city and major Mediterranean portverily9 examples
In truth, truly, certainly; as a matter of truth or factwater9 examples
A clear, colorless liquid essential for lifewicked6 examples
Evil or morally wrong by nature; later also excellent or impressive (slang)wisdom17 examples
The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgmentwitness14 examples
One who sees or has personal knowledge of something; testimony; attestation of a fact or eventwonder10 examples
Something that causes amazement or awe; a marvel; the emotion of surprise and admirationworld58 examples
The earth, globe, or planet; the physical universe; the whole of human civilizationworship10 examples
To show reverence and adoration for a deity; religious devotion and honorzeal4 examples
Fervor or tireless devotion for a person, cause, or ideal and determination in its furtheranceZion2 examples
Originally a hill in Jerusalem, later a synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel