When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart.
Matthew 13:19, KJV
And Your righteousness displeases the wicked.
Augustine, Confessions
When the king shows favour to the wicked, how can the wise remain in peace?
Saadi, Bustan
Let a wicked man ascend up to heaven, that he may escape from the grasp of calamity; even thither would the hand of his own evil heart follow him with misfortune.
Saadi, Gulistan
On the day of resurrection, that will be the most mortifying event when the good slave will be taken up to heaven, and the wicked master sent down to hell:
Saadi, Gulistan
The love of wicked men converts to fear
Shakespeare, Richard II, Act 5, Scene 1
wikked /wikked/
Middle English, Britain
wycked /wycked/
Early Modern English, Britain