Ancient Greek city named after Antiochus, from ἀντί (anti) "against" + ὀχή (ochē) "support"Babylon
Ancient city in Mesopotamia, capital of BabyloniaBethlehem
City in the West Bank, traditional birthplace of Jesus ChristCapernaum
Ancient fishing village on the Sea of Galilee, center of Jesus ministryCorinth
Ancient Greek city-state on the Isthmus of Corinth, important commercial and cultural centerDamascus
Capital and largest city of Syria, one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the worldEphesus
Ancient Greek city in Asia Minor, important religious and commercial centerNazareth
Town in Galilee, hometown of JesusNineveh
Ancient Assyrian city and capital of the Neo-Assyrian EmpireSamaria
Ancient city and region in the central West Bank, former capital of the Northern Kingdom of IsraelThessalonica
Ancient city and capital of Macedonia, named after Alexander the Great's half-sisterTyre
Ancient Phoenician city and major Mediterranean port